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Charitable Giving

Guidelines for Grant Requests

The Bank of Greene County Charitable Foundation makes annual grants of up to $2,500 per fiscal year to support non-profit organizations in our local communities.  We favor requests for specific funding purposes.

Application Period

  • Grant requests are welcome between December 1 and January 15 each year.
  • The Foundation directors review all completed applications and make their grant decisions in March.
  • Granted funds are generally dispersed starting in June.


Please review these limitations before submitting a grant application:

  • An organization may submit only one application per fiscal year.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.
  • Except in extraordinary circumstances, the Foundation does not support:
    • Individuals
    • Candidates for political office
    • Religious purposes
    • Seminars or conferences
    • Endowments
    • Activities that would directly benefit the Bank of Greene County or its affiliates financially

How to Apply for a Grant

To streamline the application process, please ensure your application package includes all of the following pieces:

  • Cover letter on your organization’s letterhead, detailing:
    • Amount requested
    • Purpose of the grant
    • Contact person’s name, address, email address and telephone number
    • Tax ID or EIN
  • The organization’s IRS determination letter of tax-exempt charitable status under section 501(c)3
  • Brief written description of the organization’s:
    • Purpose
    • History
    • Financial summary
  • A list of the organization’s current officers and directors
  • A list of other groups and foundations currently supporting the organization and significant funding sources

Submit the completed application package to:
Bank of Greene County
Attn: Charitable Foundation
P.O. Box 470 (302 Main Street)
Catskill, NY 12414

Guidelines for Charitable Foundation Grant Requests