July 2024

Albany Area Senior Orchestra, Albany County Historical Association, Altamont Fair, Brain Injury Association of New York State, Capital City Rescue Mission, Capital Region Chamber, Center for Disability Services, Empire State Aerosciences Museum, Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York, Friends of Conkling Hall, Mohonasen CSD, Food Bank of the Hudson Valley, Onesquethaw Volunteer Fire Company, Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region, The Salvation Army Empire State Division, & Veterans & Community Housing Coalition
June 2023

518 Elevated, Altamont Fair, Capital Region Chamber Foundation, Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County, FASNY – Firefighters Association of the State of New York, Friends of Conkling Hall, Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York, Greenbush Reformed Church, Noteworthy Resources of Albany Inc., Onesquethaw Volunteer Fire Company Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York, Schodack Landing Volunteer Fire Company, Schoharie Economic Enterprise Corp, and Second Chance Opportunities, Inc.
July 2022

Organizations receiving grants at the Albany-Wolf Road branch were the Albany County Historical Association, Alliance for Positive Health, The Altamont Fair, The Alzheimer’s Association of Northeastern NY, American Red Cross Eastern New York, Capital City Rescue Mission, 518Elevated (Capital Region Sponsor-A-Scholar), Caroga Lake Volunteer Fire Company, The Community Hospice Foundation, Friends of the Pine Bush Community, Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York, Greenbush Reformed Church, The Junior League of Albany, New York News Publishers Association, Onesquethaw Volunteer Fire Company, Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York, Things of My Very Own Inc., and the United Way of the Greater Capital Region.
August 2021

Charitable Foundation Grant Recipients at the Wolf Road Branch in Albany
Albany County Historical Association, Alliance for Postive Health, Altamont Fair, American Red Cross, Northeastern New York Region, Electric City Food Cooperative, Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York, Greenbush Reformed Church, Onesquethaw Volunteer Fire Company, Northeast Regional Food Bank, Redemption Dance Institute, Town of Colonie, and United Way of the Greater Capital Region